I declare that the information I have provided on this form is true and correct, and hereby authorise you to verify the details given and to seek references as required, including a bankers reference and credit check. I understand that this does not represent any offer or contract of any nature. I further understand that if you decline to offer me a tenancy no explanation will be given.
I confirm that I am legally allowed to live and work in the United Kingdom
Once the landlord has accepted this application a holding fee equivalent to one weeks rent will be required which will be refunded against the first months rent if your application is successful. If your application is declined because of a failed reference/credit check or information provided is found to be incorrect or if you choose not to proceed with the application for whatever reason the Holding fee will not be refunded. If the landlord chooses to reject your application for reasons other than those stated above or chooses not to proceed with renting the property then the Holding Fee will be returned to you in full. All information required to complete the application must be provided within two weeks of the holding fee being taken or the application will be withdrawn and the Holding fee retained unless a future date is agreed in advance and in writing.
1.1 The Tenant agrees to the Disclosure of Tenant’s personal details to One Utility Bill Limited(“One Utility Bill or OUB”), Corner Lettings and the incumbent Energy Supplier for the purposes of Utility Registration.
1.2 At the start of the Tenancy, gas and electricity will be provided or will be in the process of being provided by the incumbent Energy Supplier, the details of this supplier information will be communicated to the tenants by One Utility Bills customer service team via phone call and/or email. The tenants are not in a contract with their incumbent Energy Supplier and are free to choose any Energy Supplier option available to them.
1.3 The Tenant agrees that Corner Lettings may pass the Tenant’s name, phone number, email address, to One Utility Bill, for the purposes of;
1.3.a registering the gas and electricity meters at the property in the Tenant’s name with the incumbent Energy Supplier providing gas and electricity to the Tenant and administering the Tenant’s account with the incumbent Energy Supplier if applicable;
1.3.b registering the Tenant with the incumbent water supplier to the property.
1.3.c informing the relevant district Council, for your property, of the new tenancy commencing, if required. The incumbent water supplier may contact the Tenant in order to provide further information about its services and products and conclude an agreement with the Tenant for those services and products. The relevant district Council may contact the Tenant in order to provide further information about its services and products and conclude an agreement with the Tenant for those services and products..
1.4 Corner Lettings will only process data on behalf of One Utility Bill. One Utility Bill will use the Tenant’s details only for the purposes set out above and not in any other way. One Utility Bill and Corner Lettings will comply with their obligations as a data controller and/or data processor (as applicable) under the General Data Protection Regulation effective, as of the 25th May 2018.
1.5 One Utility Bill will handle Tenant’s data in the manner set out in One Utility Bill’s standard Terms and Conditions and/or Privacy Notice. One Utility Bill will not hold any personal details longer than is necessary and will only use it for the purposes as set out above in a lawful manner. Our Data Retention Policy is available on the One Utility Bill Website.